Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Divorce and The First Amendment

I am pleased to announce that The News Press published my article - a link to it can be found on the left hand side of this page - regarding divorce and the First Amendment. Domestic Judges have a tough job. They constantly seek to balance time honored, sacred constitutional rights against the best interest of children. We should all thank them for their service.


Anonymous said...

I think you are a prolific writer. Welcome to Florida - we are glad to have you here. It seems if we sent one of our lawyers to Oklahoma then the collective intelligence of both states could be increased by the trade!

Anonymous said...

Micheal, For what is worth I sent an email saying the same thing in less words. I believe you point came across better than minecaming from a mans point of view. I am a female and I agree with you..You made me laugh! I think you should show up any way to prvoe your point!


Anonymous said...

In today's society everyone must figure out how to deal with "blended families" ... whether we have one or our children have contact with them. As long as the child is not in danger, it is the parents' choice ... no matter if we morally agree or disagree with that particular parents' choice!